• Poupée and Boris (Andréanne Beaudoin) did ther CFC Championship at the competion held September 10 and 11.
  • At the Quebec Regional Specialty, Poupée did Best of Opposite Sex (BOS) and Myrka (Prisca Nikiema) finished first in the Aleterd Class.
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  • At Ste-Foy, Eska, handle by Nathalie Clément, finish her Championship with 1 X BPIS, 1X BPIG and a Group 4th.
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JULY 2016

  • At Club Canin du Fjord Show, Pacha (CH Nikita Monsieur Pacha) finish his Grand Championship.
  • Pacha is now #1 Puppy Samoyed in Canada, #1 Puppy all breed in Province of Quebec and #3 over all Samoyed in Canada.
  • In the last 4 months, Pacha did 1 X Reserve Best in Show, 4 X Best Puppy in Show and 18 X Best Puppy in Group !
  • At the same show, Soleil (Nikita Rayon De Soleil) finish her Championship doing a Group 3 and a Best Puppy in Group.Soleil with her handler Cynthia Morneau.
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JUNE 2016

A very busy Month for Pacha (CH Nikita Monsieur Pacha) winning 3 BPIG and 2 BPIS.

BPIS #3 at Brome Show






BPIS #4 at Ste-Anne-De-La-Pérade





PLus Reserve Best in Show and Group1 at the annual “La Classique Royal Canin”

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MAY 2016

Pacha (7 mois) et Poupée ont été présentés à l’Exposition du Club Canin du Bas St-Laurent les 7 et 8 mai dernier.

Samedi au Show #1 : Poupée à fait 4ième du Groupe (Group 4th)

Samedi au Show #2 : Poupée a fait 4ième du Groupe (Group 4th) et Pacha a fait “Meilleur Chiot de l’Exposition” (BPIS) sous la juge et éleveur émérite Lee-Ann Bateman.

Dimanche au Show #3 : Pacha a battu Poupée (BOB) et il a fait 4ième du Groupe (Group 4th)

Dimanche au Show #4 : Pacha a encore battu Poupée (BOB) et il a fait “Réserve Meilleur chien de l’Exposition” (RBIS) et “Meilleur Chiot de l’Exposition” (BPIS) sous la juge Mike McBeth.

Toute une fin de semaine pour Pacha et Cynthia Morneau qui le maniait !

Pacha (8 months) finished his Championship May 21, 22 and 23 at l’Exposition du Club Canin Hochelaga in St-Lazare. He did one BOS (Best Of Oppsite Sexe), BPIG (Best Puppy in Group) and another BPIG in the Working Group Specialty. Poupée, did 4ième Group 4th and  BOB to finish her Grand Championship.

May 28 and 29, at Club Canin de Thetford Mines Show, Pacha did BPIG (Best Puppy in Group) and Group 2 at the first show. At the second show, he did BPIG and Group 4th.

At the third show Pacha another BPIG.

Pacha is now 3rd Samoyed in Canada behind Poupée, and First Samoyed Puppy in Canada!

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(Français) AVRIL 2016

Pacha (Nikita Monsieur Pacha) 6 months old did 3 X BPIG (Best Puppy in Group) at Windsor’s Show April 10th and 9th.

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  • At St-Lazare’s competions November 6 – 7 and 8, Poupée (Nikita Poupée Russe) had done 2 more championship points.
  • Poupée was also in compétition at Caledon Ontario, November 27 – 28 and 29. She did BW in the “Samoyed Booster” competition and RBW in the Samoyed Specialty. She did 4 more points during the week-end and finished her championship at 9 months old !
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  • Poupée (Nikita Poupée Russe) did a lot of thing during the week-end in Terrebonne : 5 championship points, Best Puppy in Specialty show, Best of Winners, Best Puppy in Group and finaly Best Puppy in Show ! Poupée was handling by Cynthia Morneau.
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  • Very busy ! Preparing the National and Regional Specialties for September 19th and 20th in Terrebonne.
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JULY 2015

  • Youri (FCC Can CH Nikita Youri Gagarine) is back in the ring looking for a new titlt of Grand Championship.
  • Poupée (Nikita Poupée Russe) 5 months old did BBPIS (Best Baby Puppy in Show) twice at the Baie-St-Paul Competition.
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