- Cookie finished her Championship and we will do a lot of health test in the next weeks (DNA, eyes, hearth and hips (preliminary). Enzo, who will still Samoyed #1 in Canada actually, will also go with her for health test.
For another year we have in 2021 a Nikita in the Top 5 Samoyed publish by the CKC. Holly is co-owne with Susan Coulson (Ivorymist Samoyed).
At St-Lazare Dog Show, Enzo (RBIS CH Polarfleece My Ferrari At Nikita) did a lot of good scores : Best Puppy In Show (BPIS), First in the Group (Gr1st), Third in the Group (Gr3rd), and 2 times Fourth in the Group (Gr4th). And 3 times Best Puppy In Group (BPIG).
Enzo in now Samoyed #1 in Canada !
Enzo (CH Polarfleece My Ferrari At Nikita) did very well at the dog show in Wildwood, ON. Group 4th and Best Puppy in Group.